Hi Philip! It’s really well worth actually engaging with the real arguments people are making rather than knocking down a straw man. Also, using more respectful terms - “deniers” associates people involved in this genuine literary historical enquiry with Holocaust Deniers which ad hominem slur suggests both ignorance of the arguments and zero real argument. Marlowe is one of the candidates and from the same social class as Shakespeare. Bone up on the real arguments rather than the lazy misrepresentations. I recommend Elizabeth Winkler’s book, now out in paperback.

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Hi Ros, I am engaging with the arguments people are making. Here I'm showing that class was not an issue when it comes to playwrighting. Christopher Marlowe is another matter. We won't agree on that. Elizabeth Winkler's book is full of errors, and has been demonstrably proven so. The point is that if you're saying that William Shakespeare wasn't William Shakespeare, you're beginning with an assumption, and also ignoring historical fact.

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